Sandy Ruckstuhl Memorial
Golf Tournament
Friday June 16, 2017
in support of the
Myers Riders and Junior Riders Football Club
1170 Chemin d’Aylmer, Gatineau,
Quebec J9H 7L3 819-777-8870
Registration: 11 a.m.
Shot-Gun Start: 1 p.m.
Format: Best Ball Foursome
Cost: $ 500 / foursome or $125 / golfer
Includes carts, boxed lunches, dinner and prizes.
Prizes / Raffles: There will be something for everyone
Interested in sponsoring a Hole for $100?
Let us know....
Prepayment is required
Please send cheques payable to Myers Riders Football to 30 Kirkstall Ave., Ottawa, K2G 3M5
If you have any questions, email us at info@myersriders.ca
Entry Deadline is June 2, 2017
Limit of 36 foursomes available